Viva La Sickness…

So I´m blogging in Mexico…so no music today because i can´t navigate this interweb cafe´s deal. But I do have some fantabulous videos. First off is a video sent to me by my friend Ellie and it mirrors exactly what I wanted to make in film school:

The second video is a really weird animation about someone´s dream, but I´m posting it because it seems pretty close to some of my nightmares:

And of course my all time favorite Rev. Alecia:

I have been sick the whole entire time I´ve been in Mexico, and no, not for the reason you think. I actually got this little bug in the good old U.S.A. So thanks America…I love you

The Harmony of Design

So, last night I decided to fully investigate baroque pop, or 60’s lounge pop…whatever it’s called. I had no interest in the stuff until I had accidentally downloaded the song Tomorrow’s World by Leslie Phillips in Santiago. I don’t think this is the Christian Leslie Phillips thank god, but there really isn’t much back info on this track so whatever. The harmonies in this track are beautiful, so I grew more fond of it when I was listening in Europe.  How quaint.  Then I’m searching for deep sea animals(don’t ask) and I come across this video:

Vampire Squid From Hell

The embeded vid is disabled, but the point is the music that’s accompanied by this creature.  Trip hop, yes, but I was reminded by how much I missed that weird spacey feeling when listening to that 60’s orchestra…even though they have nothing to do with each other.  After some more snooping I came across this song called bubbles, which I recognized instantly because they did a remix on this powerpuff CD I bought from target in high school…absolutely my favorite harmonies ever. The free design has become my new obsession.  And a little dabble in some french pop doesn’t hurt:


Tomorrow’s World-Leslie Phillips in Santiago 

Two Lone Swordsmen-The Big Clapper 

 The Free Design-Bubbles

Holy Fuckin’ Milkshake Batman!

Just another day of lazy crocheting, is that a word? Anyway, i’m on the final episode of Dexter and its really getting intense. I thought that the first season set up for a boring second season, but who knew? So I finally got out of the house and decided to go to the drug store and guess what I found… a ceramic straightener for $30, not $120. The only professional thing about those hair places is thier rip-off tactics. So with all this free time on my hands I found this amazing video by Chad VanGaalen for Holy Fuck’s single Milkshake. I failed my animation class because it was so painfull…so i got to hand it to this guy. Anal retentive creativity at its finest.

As well it’s slightly warmer, and I must say beautiful than the rest of the country right now. ( I hate cold weather, so if you like it, too bad) and I was listening to Rhythim is Rhythim’s single Beforethereafter and it goes perfect with the sunsets here. So to warm you up:

Holy Fuck-Milkshake

Rhythim is Rhythim-Beforethereafter

Hello Bloggie

So I really hate having to write a first entry…it seems so, boring. Anyway. Today I am getting used to my new bangs, i like them but i really need a straightening iron, but those fuckers cost like $120 bucks…wow. I did however enjoy biking around Santa Barbara today, before I must endure cold weather and I was listening to a few good songs. On my recent trip to Europe I picked up a few records from the label Moxie…and I just have to say I’m hooked. Among them is Can’t Get it Anywhere, which to me seems like such a summer song, but I guess it keeps me toasty in the winter. Everything I’ve listened to off of Moxie sounds fantastic and refreshing. I think I was at my witts end having to listen to the same songs for a month during my travels, so that might explain my love of these new tracks. As well Imagination’s single Just an Illusion has gotten the re-edit treatment from Lindstrom. After watching the video from them I am very aware of this groups cheesey nature, but I’m just so in love with this sound.

Imagination-Just an Illusion(Lindstrom Vocal Remix)

Moxie-Can’t Get It Anywhere